Men are allowed to make private medical decisions every day without government interference and/or religious zealots interfering. Don't let the bullies prevent women from making their own private medical decisions.
Prochoice America has delivered over over 97,000 signatures to Senator Reid on this important issue.
Tell your Senators: Stop the Abortion-Coverage Ban!
If the Stupak-Pitts amendment passed by the House of Representatives becomes law, women will be denied the right to use their own personal, private funds to opurchase an insurance plan with abortion coverage in the new health system.
It's effectively an abortion-coverage ban, and we must ensure the Senate does not include it in its bill. But anti-choice senators are trying to insert the Stupak-Pitts abortion-coverage ban language in the Senate bill, and Rep. Stupak from Michigan is backing them up: "We are in contact with senators to make sure our language holds. The other side is playing with fire."
Tell your senators to stand firm against a ban on abortion coverage for women in the new health system. For more information, please go to