This is a place where the Davids of the world can unite and develop strategies and group efforts/consortia to make this world a better place to take on the Goliaths who bully anyone they choose. Whether it is parents striving to get a decent education for their children, writers struggling to find a forum for their work, or citizens working to get their vote counted, this site belongs to you...

New Bullies Perpetuating History

More than forty years ago, racist bullies thought they would silence the voice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Since that time, there have certainly been gains in the civil rights movement, but there has also been stagnation.

King stated:
Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.

Read about the bulling that is continuing to occur in the fields of education, law, voting, and elsewhere and then straighten your back to walk tall, speak out, and work for doing what's right.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Martin Luther King died but was not silenced

April 4, 2008
Forty years ago today, racist bullies thought they would silence the voice of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior. Since that time, there have certainly been gains in the civil rights movement, but there has also been stagnation.

Today, we still have classrooms that are segregated, by "ability" although those "slow learning" classrooms in many cities are predominantly students of color. These students are denied full access to a curriculum that competently teaches basic reading and math skills as well as critical thinking. If the school fails to provide a curriculum from which a student can derive reasonable benefit, the student is punished by being held back to suffer through the same failed curriculum a second time. Almost half of all students EVER held back will never graduate from high school.

Without having been taught these basic and critical thinking skills, students grow up and cannot read the diverse information and opinions available on the Internet that would help them to fully participate in the political process. We still have voter intimidation and caging (see to silence the voices of those who would dare question the policies of current political officeholders.

Stand against the bullies,
Dare to ask why, Dare to ask why not.

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