This is a place where the Davids of the world can unite and develop strategies and group efforts/consortia to make this world a better place to take on the Goliaths who bully anyone they choose. Whether it is parents striving to get a decent education for their children, writers struggling to find a forum for their work, or citizens working to get their vote counted, this site belongs to you...

New Bullies Perpetuating History

More than forty years ago, racist bullies thought they would silence the voice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Since that time, there have certainly been gains in the civil rights movement, but there has also been stagnation.

King stated:
Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.

Read about the bulling that is continuing to occur in the fields of education, law, voting, and elsewhere and then straighten your back to walk tall, speak out, and work for doing what's right.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

They're at it again: GOP wants to privatize Social Security

In an article in the Nation, it was stated,
Privatization of Social Security, a longtime GOP priority, was the first focus of former President Bush and the Republican Congressional majorities the last time they won an election cycle—in 2004. And, with they scheme to lock in Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, the only way Republicans will avoid creating the largest deficits in American history is by ending the nation's commitment to its seniors and to its most vulnerable citizens—by gutting Social Security and functional Medicare and Medicaid programs.

In my opinion, the first thing we need to do to protect Social Security is to immediately force the entire Congress to fully participate in it. To claim Congress has a moral right to meddle with Social Security at the same time their own golden pension plans are sacrosanct is appalling and indicative of their own closed-door corruption. What kind of corruption, of sweetheart deals do they have? Post info about congressional corruption on

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