This is a place where the Davids of the world can unite and develop strategies and group efforts/consortia to make this world a better place to take on the Goliaths who bully anyone they choose. Whether it is parents striving to get a decent education for their children, writers struggling to find a forum for their work, or citizens working to get their vote counted, this site belongs to you...

New Bullies Perpetuating History

More than forty years ago, racist bullies thought they would silence the voice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Since that time, there have certainly been gains in the civil rights movement, but there has also been stagnation.

King stated:
Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.

Read about the bulling that is continuing to occur in the fields of education, law, voting, and elsewhere and then straighten your back to walk tall, speak out, and work for doing what's right.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Stop the bullying: Arizona school principal's letter tells parents their children are lazy or stupid

Today, I read an Associated Press article posted on Education Week website where a principal put in writing what parents report they have heard in meetings and via telephone...

An Arizona school principal who penned a sarcastic letter that chided parents for children who were either "too lazy or too stupid" to complete their assignments in class was suspended after the missive was mistakenly sent home.

"The math we do is really easy," said the letter from Litchfield Elementary School principal Ron Sterr. "If your child is either too lazy or too stupid to finish it in class, I'm sending it home so that you can work with them and judge for yourself whether it is laziness or idiocy that inhibits your child's progress."

Ron Sterr has called each parent individually to apologize and take responsibility, the Litchfield school district said.

As a parent, I have been the recipient of such language from a teacher at our local high school. When I reported these hostile comments to the administration, nothing was done despite my multiple requests.

Often, we chastise parents for failing to teach their children the morals to prevent bullying. It is my opinion that many school administrations' anti-bullying curricula is primarily "do as I say and not as I do."

Do you need help in determining what your child needs to learn and help advocating for appropriate educational support and curricula in school? visit my website at

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